
George K. Gregory & Associates

IT Solutions for Your Industry

"EDI Attendant is easy to use. Transactions can be completed with a few clicks."

For 33 years, we've been collaborating with trusted names in the warehouse, garment, grocery, jewelry, and health & beauty industries. Our focus lies in crafting efficient, straightforward, and most importantly profitable solutions.

EDI Solutions

While transitioning to EDI may seem expensive, inconvenient, and daunting, it's actually a cost-effective and relatively straightforward process! The benefits of this change are well worth the investment!

Integration with top-tier ERP Systems

We have years of experience integrating top-tiered ERP systems seamlessly with our EDI product.

i2 Catalog

Our branded i2Catalog can display your product in an easily searchable database.  The i2Catalog is built for a satisfying end-user experience.

Support Consulting

George K. Gregory & Associates, Inc. works closely with our clients to guide them through the EDI transition. We make the process affordable, and ultimately very profitable for the client.

Software Solutions, Lasting Value.

We build strategic partnerships with companies who can help our clients in ways we can't. We do this because our clients deserve the best programmers/analysts, network and system integrators, project managers, software systems, and computers available. In today's market, that requires constant review of new products and methods that may solve client problems. We learn the details so you don't have to.

​Our clients range in size and complexity. Some are small companies with one site, one owner, and sales of less than $1 million. Some are international companies with multiple divisions and sales in excess of $100 million. Some are manufacturers and some are service providers. All clients deserve and receive our highest level of support!